Call Us
(212) 522-296-024
2, Rue AbouBakr Al Baklani- Casablanca-Morocco

Who are we?
Created in March 1990, the AMPBD is a social association working for the improvement of oral health in Morocco.
Called association Marocaine de Prévention Bucco-Dentaire (AMPBD), this independent and autonomous association is adopted as a subsidiary of the Moroccan society of dentistry in accordance with Article 3 paragraph 7 of the latter.
Non-profit non-governmental association, governed by Dahir No. 1-58-376 of 3 July 1, 1378 (15 November 1958) as amended and supplemented by Dahir du Rabia 1 1393 (10 April 1976) regulating the right of association in Morocco. The AMPBD organizes national campaigns for prevention, screening for oral diseases and charitable care.
Our Partners

Oral health is our Mission
– Improve oral health
– Motivate oral hygiene
– Produce educational and pedagogical materials
– Build training
– Detect oral diseases and provide care to the poor

Motivate oral hygiene in schools!
AMPBD National Office

FAIK Khadija
Assistante de Direction
Annual meeting since 1994. Since its creation, the AMPBD has sensitized more than 1,700,000 citizens of all ages and treated more than 34,000 Moroccan citizens.
Tour of Morocco / Caravan of Smile
Reaching approximately 60,000 children per year in urban and rural areas, this operation includes:
A prevention lesson in the classroom
Screening of an educational film
An introduction to dental brushing
School dental and oral health screening
The Story of a Mission
From the small group of prevento-conscious dental surgeons who founded the association to the coverage of 47 cities and regions of the Kingdom of Morocco, some progress has been made.
Not only thanks to the two mobile dental practices that crisscross the roads of Morocco, but especially thanks to the determination of the members of our association who spare no effort to give a better image of dentistry to the general public in our country and to national and international institutions and associations.
(212) 522-296-024
2, Rue AbouBakr Al Baklani Casablanca
بدعوة من جمعية كوثر لرعاية الطفل والأم ساهم فرع الجمعية المغربية لوقاية الفم و الأسنان الصخيرات تمارة بشراكة مع المركز الإجتماعي لطب الأسنان التابع لجمعية رباط الفتح للتنمية المستديمة في قافلة طبية متعددة التخصصات في مركز جماعة طهر السوق إقليم تاونات يوم السبت 15 فبراير 2025 تم خلالها تحسيس أزيد ما يزيد من 300 طفل من مختلف مدارس الجماعة كما تم تزويدهم بمعدات نظافة الفم الأسنان
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Participation de AMPBD V.S. BenGuerir le 15/02/2025 à une caravane multidisciplinaire organisée par
AMPDR (Association des Médecins Pharmaciens et Dentistes de Rhamna ) en faveur des enfants scolarisés à la commune rurale de Skhour Rhamna
#AMPBD #fdi #aro #association #morocco #smile #volunteer ... See MoreSee Less
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La ville sympathisante AMPBD Benguerir a participé le samedi 25 janvier à une caravane multi disciplinaire organisée en collaboration avec AMPDR Association des Médecins Pharmacien Dentistes de RHAMNA.
144 Kits de brossage distribués.
ampbd@yahoo.com ... See MoreSee Less
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La section AMPBD Casablanca a organisé deux actions de sensibilisation et de prévention bucco-dentaire pour les plus petits, le 13 et le 15 janvier, au profit de 140 enfants à la crèche crechendo et Palo Alto
ampbd@yahoo.com ... See MoreSee Less
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قام فرع الرباط للجمعية المغربية لوقاية الفم والاسنان بحملة تحسيسية لفائده طلبه دار القرآن لجمعية الامام ورش لتحفيض القرآن و تدريس علومه وقد اطر هذا النشاط التحسيسي الدكتوره ايمان بولحسن الدكتوره مريم متوكل والدكتور ابراهيم بزاوي.عدد المستفيدين : 100
ampbd@yahoo.com ... See MoreSee Less
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تقبل الله منكم صالح الاعمال و جعلها في ميزان حسناتكم
La section AMPBD Rabat en collaboration avec la section AMPBD Khénifra, les étudiants UIR Dental Club ainsi que les étudiants UM6 ont organisé du 18 au 19 janvier 2025 une caravane de prévention et de soins bucco-dentaires au village Ouaoumana, 40km de Khénifra au profit de 400 enfants et adultes en prévention dont 300 ont bénéficié de prestations dentaires.
ampbd@yahoo.com ... See MoreSee Less
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